Key Source From Fake Steele Dossier Refuses To Testify Without Immunity

Sergei Millian, the chairman of the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce, made the immunity request, but it was denied by the committee.
Democrats on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence also called for a subpoena to be issued to force Millian, identified as “Source D” in the dossier to testify.
Democrats also went on to say they informed Republicans on Nov. 29 that they were “open to engaging Mr. Millian to assess his concerns.” Furthermore, Democrats add they were “not aware of any information to warrant the committee granting Mr. Millian legal immunity.”
Court records show that when Millian first arrived in the U.S., he was Siarhei Kukuts and later Sergei Kukuts. A 2009 resume Millian posted online claimed that he worked in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an interpreter and a translator.
Millian, a naturalized American citizen, also said he was in Moscow at the time the dossier accuses President Donald Trump of being involved with Russian prostitutes.
Millian was one of more than 30 witnesses that Democrats want to interview before ending the committee’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2015 election.
Republicans completed a 150-page report this week that claims their investigation found no evidence of collusion between Trump’s campaign and the Russian government.
In the dossier, Millian is described as “a close associate of Trump who had organized and managed his recent trips to Moscow.”
According to testimony from Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson, Millian helped the Trump Organization market vodka in Russia.

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